“ That would be a fan favorite if an MGK/Eminem song ever went down. Best rapper alive in my opinion. ”

What do rappers have to say about Eminem? Comments and mentions.
“ That would be a fan favorite if an MGK/Eminem song ever went down. Best rapper alive in my opinion. ”
“ (on possibly collaborating with Eminem) Em, I promise you I been watching you for so long. I been a fan, so I wouldn’t even ask you to get on a record unless I felt like it was that record. I just want to get…
“Em deliver his words really, really well…That’s the thing that makes Em so special. He can do voiceovers. He can make his voice sound like a cartoon. He can do whatever he wants on a record.”
“ All I know is, I completed my dharma when I met you in Detroit. I have never felt better my entire life. ”
“ I want you to make some noise for the greatest of all time, Eminem! ”
“ Em definitely influenced a lot in my style. I don’t think nobody’s matching him now. ”
“ (on listening to Eminem’s delivery for the first time) It was like you were listening to a scientist. ”
“ For somebody to keep their cool, as stressful as the everyday world is, and then try to take on the responsibilities of being a public figure and having all the hardships he’s had to deal with and to have him still come out the…
“ I don’t know if I’m on his radar yet, but I used to hang Eminem’s raps on my wall. ”
” Em has a faith following and they ain’t gonna turn their backs on him. He’s gonna shine on the darkest day…I feel like his music is getting more and more powerful. The messages are bigger. ”