“ [speaking from prison] Em is him, and he’s back in a dominant way. As far as Eminem the dude, he’s a great dude. He’s been keeping up with me since I’ve been in here, and I appreciate his support. ”

“ When Eminem was on Jay-Z’s song, he fucked cuz up on that record! You know what record I’m talking about. He fucked him up on that record completely. Like, damn! ”

“ Nobody’s gonna be bigger than Eminem. ”

“ He assign so much lyrically and musically. He’s amazing. ”

“ If I hadn’t met Em or we hadn’t linked up, he would have eventually become a success anyway, because he’s so talented. I was just fortunate enough to meet him first and open the door for him. ”

“ I want you to make some noise for the greatest of all time, Eminem! ”

“ I’d love to work with Eminem. It just hasn’t happened yet. ”